With EZ ringtone we can easily convert our music to ringtones, and we get to convert different types of files as well. When we open the program we can find a nice interface and four tags in the top of the program.
We can open our files or rip them from a CD, and select different formats for converting our music into a ringtone. We can compress our MP3 files up to 30% or 70%, we can add entire folders, import a list for the compressor and change the compression options too.
Also we can use the batch ringtone conversion tool, which lets us convert MP3/WAV files to ringtone format. We can handle general settings and the ringtone settings (wav, MP3, MIDI, AMR, MMF, 3GP, AAC and MP4).
We can save our ringtones in all these formats; the program has a simple and compact interface, and we can create our ringtone in less than a minute.
The program has more advantages than others of its kind because it is very simple to handle and very intuitive. We can learn to use it in a few steps, and the best of all is that it is freeware.